What’s Your Motivation?

“What’s your motivation?” Something I get asked fairly regularly. The answer? Well,nothing. There isn’t one specific ‘thing’ that keeps me motivated daily to workout, eat healthy, or even get out of bed everyday.

Obviously my son is a huge factor in why I want to stay fit and healthy. I want to be able to be a good role model for him and also the better I feel the better mom I am.

On days I want to lay around the house and eat ice cream, I try to think “how is this going to make me feel tomorrow.” It may feel good at the time, but it brings a lot of regret along with it.When I skip a workout or eat like crap for a couple of days, it shows in many more ways than just my physical apperence.My patience is low, my energy is low, and I start to just feel sad. I get these waves of depression when I’m not on my A game.

Some days, I’m ready to wake up, grab my coffee and take on the day, other times I really have to dig deep to find the will to get up and be positive. I’ve been going through a lot of ups and downs with my “fitness journey” lately. I’m on my A game one week and then something will happen and I slack off for a few days. The key to not letting it get the best of you is to simply not give up. I’ve begun to realize part of being human is making mistakes, I’m not perfect but I know when I get in a funk, instead of giving up and just saying “fuck it” I decided to pick up where I left off and brush my shoulder off.

Weather  you’re in the fitness industry or just trying to live a healthier lifestyle it’s important to remember why you started.It’s important to have goals. Everyday will be challenging, but everyday is a day to start over.

Weather you have to wake up at 4 AM to get your workout in or (like me) wait till 9 sometimes 10 PM, remember why you’re doing this. Yes your bed is comfy and it’s nice to lay on the couch and binge watch Netflix, but Netflix isn’t going to help you reach your goals…

Speaking of goals…set them! It doesn’t need to be something crazy like lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks. It needs to be something realistic and attainable. For example, if you’ve never been much of a healthy eater and want to start cleaning up your diet, start with baby steps. Try 4 weeks with no fast food. Once those 4 weeks are up and you notice results, that’s going to push you to do more. That’s how healthy habits start.

Just remember everyday will be a challenge and no one day will be the same. Remember why you started your own journey and stay consistent and the results will show!



Quick Healthy Meal Ideas for the Family

Trying to eat healthy when you’re a busy mom can be challenging.Weather you’re a working mom, single mom, or stay at home mom, having prepared meals for you and your littles can make life so much easier and less chaotic!

For this blog, I’m going to focus on healthy meal ideas for families, some easy meals that the whole family will love! This way you can avoid the drive through on those days when you’re exhausted from mom-ing!

  • Monday-Meatball Monday

Chicken Meatballs-I love these because you can make them ahead of time and pop them in the oven or microwave to heat up. You can throw them on top of rice or pasta and you have a healthy meal for your family.


  • Tuesday-Taco Tuesday

Tacos-Who doesn’t like tacos?! There’s so many ways to make tacos, especially healthy tacos. This recipe will be for a quick crock pot chicken taco recipe, which is perfect for busy family!

Crock-Pot Chicken Tacos

  • Wednesday-Watermelon Pizza

Watermelon pizza-WHAT? Yes! and it looks awesome. I would pair this with some grilled chicken or steak! Great to take to a BBQ!

Watermelon Feta and Balsamic “Pizzas”

  • Thursday-Teriyaki Thursday

Teriyaki Grilled Chicken Bowl. With any of these “bowl” style recipes, I would suggest making as many of the ingredients ahead of time so you can just throw it all together and enjoy!


  • Friday-Fish Friday

One pan salmon with asparagus.I love this recipe, it has your main course, the salmon and then you cook the asparagus with it and it’s all done and ready to go at the same time!



So there ya have it, 5 family friendly meals for you busy mammas out there!